Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Title: Carlota
Author: Scott O'Dell
Pages: 153
Cover Rating: 3/5
Character Rating: 3/5
Plot Rating: 2/5
Overall Rating: 2.5/5

This book had absolutely nothing wrong with it (no flaws as to the writing)... Why such a low rating then? Well nothing really happened during the whole story really... and it was WAY to short... But I think this is manly because it was made for younger readers, which I did not find out until I received it (because I had ordered it threw my library). So all in all I was not really a fan of this book.... I can not find fault the way it was written in any way... I was just not a fan of the book... that is all.... Oh well... I figure that I am prone to read a book I am not CRAZY about ever once in a while! ;)


Riding her stallion at top speed, racing and beating the neighboring rancheros, and branding cattle, Carlota proves herself again and again; she is courageous and strong, surely the equal of all her dead brother Carlos could have been. In the conflict between Don Saturnino's need for a son and the outraged sense of woman's place voiced by her proud grandmother, Carlota has always sided with her father. It is not until she rides out with the men to ambush Kit Carson and the Yankee army in what would bee later known as the Battle of San Pasqual, not until she wounds a young soldier with her lance, that Carlota comes face to face with her own feelings of tenderness and compassion and defies her father in defining herself.

(If I had read this description, I would not have read the book... I wish I had read the description... HORRIBLY written as it is...)


Bostan said...

Yeah i understand about the book, but i do think sometimes the bad books or the books you don't always like make you like your better books even better

Lain said...

Exactly... It made me see how much I really liked his other books...

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