Title: Crossing Stones
Author: Helen Frost
Pages: 178
Time Took to Read: 3 days
Cover Rating: 5/5
Character Rating: 4/5
Plot Rating: 4/5
Overall Rating: 4/5
I loved this book!!! It was a wonderfully, yet very uniquely written bo0k. The whole book was written in different kinds of poetry form. It was beautifully written, though I do not recommend it to people who don't like poems. What I liked about these is that they were beautiful and short, yet they were very easy to understand, and gave you so much more information than normal words of that length ever could. All in all I loved the characters and the plot and HIGHLY recommend this book!!!
Eighteen-year-old Muriel Jorgensen lives on one side of Crabapple Creek. Her family’s closest friends, the Normans, live on the other. For as long as Muriel can remember, the families’ lives have been intertwined, connected by the crossing stones that span the water. But now that Frank Norman—who Muriel is just beginning to think might be more than a friend—has enlisted to fight in World War I and her brother, Ollie, has lied about his age to join him, the future is uncertain. As Muriel tends to things at home with the help of Frank’s sister, Emma, she becomes more and more fascinated by the women’s suffrage movement, but she is surrounded by people who advise her to keep her opinions to herself. How can she find a way to care for those she loves while still remaining true to who she is?
Written in beautifully structured verse, Crossing Stones captures nine months in the lives of two resilient families struggling to stay together and cross carefully, stone by stone, into a changing world.